How to change size of one particular font in a Ms-word file, where more than one font is used?
I am using, ms-word 2007 file, having 2 kind of fonts one is arial another is kruti dev 10, i have to assign them different sizes how can I proceed because combination of these 2 fonts is used.
How to change size of one particular font in a Ms-word file, where more than one font is used?
Try this:
1. Press CTRL/H to bring up the Find and Replace dialog box.
2. If the More%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; button is present, click it.
3. Select everything in the Find What text box and delete it.
4. Click the Format button.
5. Click Font.
6. Select the font you want to change the size of.
7. Select its current size in the Size listbox.
8. Click OK.
9. Repeat Steps 3-6 for the Replace With textbox.
10. Select the NEW size you want for the font.
11. Click OK.
12. Click Replace All.
When you're finished, clear the Find What and Replace With conditions by clicking in their text boxes and pressing the No Formatting button.
Hope that helps.
How to change size of one particular font in a Ms-word file, where more than one font is used?
Within find-replace you can select to search for text based on the font used, so you can select just the font you want to change and then change the size there.
Change the Font Using the Font Menu-%26gt;
Step 1 : Select the text you want to change to a different font.
Step 2 : Go to the Font menu in the Formatting toolbar.
Step 3 : Select the font you want to use.
Change the Font Using the Format Menu-%26gt;
Step 1 : Select the text you want to change to a different font.
Step 2 : Go to the Format menu.
Step 3 : Select Font. The Font window opens.
Step 4 : Select the Font tab, if it is not already selected.
Step 5 : Select the font you want to use in the font window.
Is this an existing document or one you are planning to create? If you are thinking ahead, use Styles.