Friday, 16 September 2011

Conclusion for: does the file size of a document change if the font changes?

-this is my science project.

-Hypothesis: I think if you change the font of the document, it will not change the amount of memory it takes up.

-i did the experiment %26amp; every thing.

-but now i am up to my conclusion.

-im really lazy %26amp; i dont feel like typing why the size of the document didnt change when i changed the font.

-help me, anywhere from 2-3 sent.

Conclusion for: does the file size of a document change if the font changes?
Another question. Suppose you changed between two fonts very often in the test document. First test used TNR.TTF and ABC.TTF. Second test used oneverylongfontname.TTF and yetanotherveryverylongfontname.TTF.

Would the two documents be the same size?
Conclusion for: does the file size of a document change if the font changes?

You probably have not finished your project.

If you had, why would you ask Yahoo bloggers

to provide its conclusion?

Do the work and do the typing: it'll raise

your grade point average and, hey, it

builds character, too!