Saturday, 24 September 2011

In Flash, what adds to swf file size?

Where can I find a list or cheat sheet of things that add or don't add to the final swf file size? Example, if I have a symbol with 4 frames of nested symbols but only the first frame's symbol plays, do all 4 symbols add to the size? I asked this before and two people said yes but I tried it and only the symbols visually shown added. Also things like, if I had one frame with a lot of symbols, would it matter how many keyframes it had? Basically the last question is if I animated frame by frame, would it be better to have a character's body parts on seperate layers or all the symbols on one layer or would the body parts that aren't being changed add to file size? I need to know all kinds of things like this. Where can I find something to answer these questions?
In Flash, what adds to swf file size?
Symbols do add to the size, but using them again %26amp; again won't cost really much a space, so you don't have to worry.

Working on body parts of a character may not be simple, so you really need to work on separate layers. It's still okay, it won't really cost much space.

If you're up to the swf file size, note on the symbols and imported files only.
In Flash, what adds to swf file size?
Only the original symbol (not instances of the symbol) add to the file size of a flash file. Layers don't add to the size either. You can have a symbol in your library and copy 900 on the stage and it wouldn't increase the file size. What it does do is increase the amount of CPU power needed to render it. The meter for telling how big things are gonna be getting is your Library, because things in your library are what is actually causing increases in file size. The other things 'slow down' the file.

The things that increases your swf the most are imported files like bitmaps, video (which really is a series of bitmaps) and audio files.
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