I wrote a program that converts files from a variety of formats to PDF. Can anybody suggest the best method to determine if the file has been completed. I thought maybe I could use an Ajax script. What is the difference between a file that is in the process of being created and one that is complete from a programming perspective? Is there any kind of indicator besides the changing size of the file until completion?
File in the process of being created vs complete?
End of File if you are reading from one file. End Of Stream if you are receiving a data stream. File is accessible, if the file has been locked. There are several ways to determine depending on how you have gone about the concept.
The above methods employ use of a server side language that performs the file conversion with the exception of the file lock check, this could be done by any server side script.
File in the process of being created vs complete?
Yes, if it is opt-locked (read only) it is creating, if it is not locked, the process either didn't start or is finished.