I can login in safe mode and change the paging file size or set it to system managed but neither works. I can load windows from safe mode with the option to not load any extra programs on startup and this works ok but normal startup for XP continues to give the paging file too small error.
There is loads of space left on C: and I have tried all the different options for paging file size including no file at all but still it will not load up it just freezes on startup and gives the error message. Any ideas?
XP won't load because of a small paging file error. Increasing its size does not help. What can I do?
Try to increase the virtual memory:
Right click on my computer %26gt; properties %26gt; advanced %26gt; performance %26gt; advanced %26gt; virtual memory - Change.
Also: Right click on my computer %26gt; properties %26gt;advanced %26gt; performance %26gt;Choose Adjust for best performance
XP won't load because of a small paging file error. Increasing its size does not help. What can I do?
You have too many processes loading at startup for your ram memory size, it has nothing to do with your hard disk. Check Task manager, any more than 30-35 processes will slow or stop your computer. The only answer these days is more Ram. It could also be a malware or virus