Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Changing the Size of an audio file.?

On, i am trying to upload a song from my band. The song needs to be 8 megabytes or less to upload..the song i have is 35 do i change the size and get it 8 megabytes or less so i can put it on the internet?
Changing the Size of an audio file.?
You need a compression application like Nero
Changing the Size of an audio file.?
you can use sony sound forge to change the bit depth to 44.1k, 128kbit stereo.

Use nero wave editor

it sounds like it's a wav file and not a mp3.

open the file and select save as - in any program to convert.
you can also use musicmatch jukbox to do it. it has an easy to use file compressor on it.