How Large is the Server's PAGEFILE.SYS Swap File?
Microsoft recommends that the PAGEFILE.SYS file be set to 1.5 times the amount of physical RAM. The exact amount you need depends on what additional Services you may be running.
Microsoft's recommendations are a good starting point, but the best way to size the PAGEFILE.SYS is to monitor how much of it is used during production using the Performance Monitor Page File Object: % Usage counter, and then resize the PAGEFILE.SYS with a minimum size just slightly larger than the amount that is actually being used (based on the Performance Monitor counter), and with a maximum size of 50MB larger than the minimum size.
The PAGEFILE.SYS setting can be viewed and changed in Windows 2000 by right clicking on %26quot;My Computer%26quot;, choosing %26quot;Properties%26quot;, clicking on the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab, clicking on %26quot;Performance Options%26quot;, and clicking on the %26quot;Change%26quot; button under %26quot;Virtual Memory%26quot;. If you change the virtual memory settings, you will have to reboot your server for the new settings to go into affect.
In Windows 2003, the PAGEFILE.SYS setting can be viewed and changed under the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab of the %26quot;System%26quot; icon in %26quot;Control Panel,%26quot; click on the %26quot;Setting%26quot; button under %26quot;Performance,%26quot; the click on the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab, and then by clicking on the %26quot;Change%26quot; button under %26quot;Virtual memory.%26quot;鈥?/a>
How do you change the swap file size in Windows 2k3?
I think it's the same as in XP
Right-click %26quot;My computer%26quot; Select Properties
Click the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab
Choose %26quot;Performance Settings%26quot;
Click the %26quot;Advanced%26quot; tab
Under %26quot;Virtual Memory%26quot; click %26quot;Change%26quot;
On this screen you can change the swap file (paging file) size on each drive.