office excel 2003 after opening an excel file and making very less changes or even after making no changes to the file the file size increases it reaches to 3MB in a weeks time after making minor changes
Excel 2003 file size increases after saving?
File sizes can increase after changes have been made.
Try the following:
1. Open Excel spreadsheet
2. File
3. Save As
4. Give the spreadsheet different file name
5. Save
Excel 2003 file size increases after saving?
This is true in two ways
1- You have a virus in that computer, that is copying thins to it. (Virus in Excel is macro virus), you can make sure by openning this file in another (Clean) computer and save it and check the size.
2- You are saving the file in Excel version that is not compressing the pictures (If the file has pictures)
I still smell that your computer has a virus
I recommand install latest update for your antivirus, or
mail me here if you need more info on how to remove it
Enjoy my profile, I am the VBAXLMan
you may have quick save set to on.
this saves all the changes - rather than a fresh copy.
same applies to word.
in word you go to options and turn off Quick Save
I cant find the option to do the same in excel, sorry