Friday, 16 September 2011

I need help making a file size change?

i have a pdf file that was originally a psd. i work on this file in photoshop but the problem is the file is so big. its 9.7 mb. it takes forever to open and sometimes i cant even set it up online. its a poster and its pretty big and with high quality images. any advice on how to make the file size smaller
I need help making a file size change?
high quality images always take the largest size. you can choose less quality images or save them as jpg(it is less in size than bmp images) or gif files (least size but not so good quality.)
I need help making a file size change?
well not if you want to keep the high quality and high resolution. If not, you can use File-%26gt;Save As.. to save as .jpg, then convert the JPG files to a more usable size and quality, then create the PDF again with the new files. This would require the professional version of Adobe Acrobat though, you can't edit the PDF files without it.
A .png of the ORIGINAL artwork may be smaller than a .jpg and, unlike a .jpg, .png files are lossless (you don't lose quality).
that's how big you want the file you mit want to get a better hardware