Friday, 16 September 2011

HOw do I change the total paging file size for all drives on a windows 2000?

Whenever I go to My Computer %26gt; Properties %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Performance Options. There is a little box where it says %26quot;Total Paging file size for all drives: 20 MB%26quot; IS there any way to change this?
HOw do I change the total paging file size for all drives on a windows 2000?
Yes! :)

There are numerous instructions out there on the net, but I will paraphrase it here. (I'm feeling nice today ;P)

Get to the page where it says Total Paging...20MB.

Notice the button called Change?

In the Virtual Memory window,

Select a drive, preferably on a different physical hard drive if possible, and enter a suitable Initial Size and Maximum Size.

If you are unsure as to what to put, put the Recommended, and 2x the Recommended, respectively.