In Photoshop CS3 I copy from original file, convert to 8 bits, resize to 288x432 (4x6 inches) @ 72 ppi, save to web/devices @ 100% optimization. When I browse the file in Bridge, it comes out 288 x 432 (2.9x4.3 inches) at 100 ppi. (This happens when I optimize at 60 as well). When I open the file in Bridge it displays at 16 bit, 240 ppi, and when I open it into photoshop it is 1.2x 1x8 @ 240 ppi. Changing the workflow settings in Bridge doesn't seem to make any difference, and I cannot locate info on Adobe's site or in any book. What have I got set wrong?
File size changes when photo is exported to Bridge from Photoshop CS3?
Usually converting full sized image files to Internet ready, is done in bridge in a batch (one for vertical and one for horizontal images) and then saved as a new file name, usually in a different file folder.
I do this all the time and have had no problems, but again I am coming from Bridge and then later viewing some of the %26quot;problem children%26quot; on Photoshop
Bridge is also where I append all the files with my copyright notice, contact information, subject information and key words.