%26quot;someone gave me photos that were taken in RAW and then saved as a jpeg on a CD when I opened them in my computer they are 3.5 to 5.6mb. When I convert them to TIFF files they are 23 mb or larger. How is the file getting larger if the information is lost when it is originally saved as a JPG?%26quot;
Changing from JPEG to TIFF why does this increase the file size if the JPEG file lost additional info.?
TIFF files are larger than JPEG files because Jpeg uses compresion and Tiff does not. Summary: Jpeg is great quality and takes up less space. Tiff is best quality but takes up more space.
Check this comparison table http://www.digitalmemoriesonline.net/sca鈥?/a>
FYI: TIFF- ( Tagged Image File Format) this file format has not been updated since 1992
Changing from JPEG to TIFF why does this increase the file size if the JPEG file lost additional info.?
TIFF is a lossless image format. Unlike JPEG, it represents every pixel of the original image as-is and can be edited and re-saved indefinitely without losing quality. Naturally, this takes more space than doing what JPEG does, which is to discard minute data that is not easily noticed. Even if the original image is %26quot;blurry%26quot;, TIFF will reproduce every pixel exactly because it doesn't take into account how a human sees it.