please give the name of the website where i can download it from. Do not suggest soft wares like win zipp win rar win uha etc. because i dont want to change the format since i need to compress the songs for my cellphone|||The only way to do that is by lowering the bit rate, for example; from 192 to 128.
This will decrease the file size but also the sound quality .... there is no alternative.
This one is shareware (could not find a totally free one), but may still offer full functionality:
4Musics MP3 Bitrate Changer 4.1鈥?/a>
Philip T|||Audacity|||You can%26#039;t. The moment you reduce the size, you reduce the quality of the music. The ONLY way to reduce the size is to remove details.|||You could convert them into smaller mp3s, look up lame or bladeenc and find a windows version, things using these are free and good quality. No matter what you are going to lose quality though, I wouldn%26#039;t recommend it. I am not sure if shrinking an existing mp3 is worse than making a smaller one in the first place.
Lame MP3 encoder links:鈥?/a>